Articles on: Teams

How does Mailman for Teams work?

When work happens all the time, promoting asynchronous communication among the people you work with is good for the overall mental health of the team. With Mailman for Teams, you can now let each member have their own Mailman account without worrying about costs.

Creating a team

Everything related to teams is available under the top-right menu in your Mailman account.

Managing Teams

If you aren't managing any team already, you will be prompted to create a new team. To create a new team, you'll need a name for the team and an email address that will be used for billing and notification purposes.

Creating a new team

Inviting members to your team

When a new team is created, you'll get a joining link for it. Share the link with your team members. Anyone who signs up using that link immediately belongs to your team.

If someone already has an existing account and you want to invite them to your team, you can do so, by manually adding them using their email address in your team's settings.


You can set default VIPs and default delivery schedule for all the new team members. Whenever a new team member joins your team, their VIPs and delivery schedule will be set to these values.

Team Defaults

That's how Mailman for Teams work.

Updated on: 03/08/2021

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