What are Magazines?
Say goodbye to email overload! With Magazines, you can now enjoy the convenience of reading multiple emails together in a single, organized format. No more feeling overwhelmed by a mountain of messages. It’s perfect for collating non-priority emails such as newsletters, notifications, and ads in one single email. Here’s how to set that up: Step 1: Go to your Magazines page. You can get here by clicking your icon in the upper-right corner. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpFew readersWhat does my email workflow look like with Mailman?
Mailman is the suite of tools that helps you maintain a calmer inbox. With the current state of our inboxes, everything seems to be on fire, when in reality, that's not the case. After signing up for Mailman and activating it, your new workflow would look like the following. No more 24x7 tackling your inbox As soon as you activate Mailman, it stops any incoming emails showingSome readersWhat is the VIP List?
The VIP List is a tool to help achieve a calm workflow. Before Mailman, everyone can add an email to your inbox. It's easy for them, but a decision and work for you. With Mailman, you can define exactly who can demand your immediate attention. If an incoming email matches any entry from the VIP list, those emails bypass Mailman altogether and show up in your inbox immediately. There are threeFew readersWhat are Delivery Slots?
Inboxes are like long to-do lists where someone else can put stuff for you. It means dealing with incoming email at the sender's schedule and not yours. That's unfair. Mailman gives you tools to set a delivery schedule that best matches your daily routine. Let's go more in-depth in the possibilities. Option 1: Hours of interval The first and default option is to get emails throughout the day at an equal interval of hours. By default, Mailman delivers your emails every 4 hours throughout thFew readersWhat is the Daily Digest?
With the current state of the internet, it's easy to dig someone's email address. Our email addresses are bought and sold many times in a day by the marketers. It means anybody with our email address can start selling to us. While, cold-emails are sometimes valuable, getting cold-marketing emails are what spoil our inboxes for us. With the Daily Digest feature, Mailman holds back all the emails coming in from Unknown senders for you to review them once a day. But first, what are Unknown seSome readersFrequently Asked Questions
Q. Does Mailman delete emails already in my inbox in any scenario? A. Mailman does not and cannot. When signing up with your Gmail account, we do not ask for permission to delete any of your past or future emails. Therefore, Mailman cannot delete any of your past of future emails. Q. Does Mailman change or modify any of the current emails in my inbox? A. Mailman doesn’t change or modify any of the current emails in your inbox. Mailman only works on the future incoming emails.Few readersHow to uninstall Mailman?
If for any reason, you feel Mailman is not the right solution to your inbox troubles, it's easy to unplug it from your Gmail account. Step 1: Stop Mailman The first step would be to disengage Mailman from your inbox. If you have still have Mailman activated for your account, you'll need to click on the Stop Mailman button in your account. The button looks something like this: (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/d4523342ad7d8800/536dc57d-53c8-46c9-9126-7ee3121tr9442.pSome readers