How to add more inboxes to my Mailman account?
Most of us live our lives in two inboxes – personal and work. And some of us have more than two. And it's just not convenient to maintain two Mailman accounts and two subscriptions. Add another inbox Up top on your Mailman account, there's a button to add more inboxes, and looks like the following – Using this account switcher menu, you can add another inbox and toggle betweenFew readersHow to remove an inbox from my Mailman account?
Removing an inbox from your Mailman account is as easy as adding it was. To remove an inbox, you'll need to permanently delete that inbox. First, use the inbox switcher menu to choose the inbox you'd want to remove – Once switched, Stop the Mailman is it is still on. You cannot delete your account if Mailman is still activated. Next, go to the Account page of that inbox fromFew readersWhat are the charges for the additional inboxes?
We understand that you'd never want to maintain more than one Mailman account for all your inboxes. It's just a hassle that's not worth your time. So, to make the feature of having additional inboxes even more enticing, they come at heavily discounted prices. Pricing The pricing for additional inboxes looks like the following – Monthly – $10/month + $5/month per additional inbox Yearly – $96/year + $36/year per additional inboxFew readersWhere's the billing information for my additional inboxes?
Billing information is available only in the primary inbox, that is, the first Gmail account you signed up with. When switched to that inbox, the billing information is available in the user menu.Few readers